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A Creepy Episode

    Strolling around the house, seeing corners that ceased to exist. The heavy rain gracing the night, Washed away my tiredness off the list. The power went out, but my torch gave me a sense of light. Did I just spot someone? Or was it me hallucinating 'cause of my fright? There were no candles that just 'Poof' ed nor any Crosses turning upside down. But I could sense IT's presence. I could feel my confidence drown. There were these cold whispers... That had no words to give it a meaning. Do they always appear in white..? Or do they strike from back without warning..? My little toe always had a mind of its own... Like always it dashed an object, led to me falling! After I heard a 'Thud' I caught a visual of someone's rotting feet, with abnormal posturing.. They say 'You must dream to fly'... But this entity had taken a shallow flight, It made a dramatic rush through the wall, Without causing a dent in sight... When my ...

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