Gone are the days of
admiring Mother Nature.
Open your eyes to this short movie feature.
One more baby born in the nineties,
Hearing the cold whispers of his parent’s
This childhood of his was lean, mean & no
money to boast around.
His peers were like minded, hence the
voiceless screamed on every Merry-Go-Round.

His caretakers loved him but they were harnessing their own
This BOY wanted to walk the talk, but he was shoved around like
some cattle.
This BOY collected some talents & he funded their amusement.
But his efforts did not monetize, it led to his societal
You learn from your surroundings & he did the same.
He learnt of his empty pockets, but his mind never left the
This BOY knew this was temporary, wasn’t about to make it
a lifetime.
His elders were doing the ordinary, he wanted to be prime
He was surrounded with the spirit of ‘Being Humble’.
His social status did not get any notifications, they started to
ignore him.
This BOY created his own followers, their IQ being on the level
of dim.
He scrapped with all his shortcomings, believing that finally
achieving Teen-Hood was the cure.
This BOY wanted to punch for glory but he managed to punch holes
in his existing immature.
The light had come through, introduced him to a new take on
His hormones had awaken, testosterone was at a spike.
The opposite sexes did give him a right swipe.
He held on to that, wanted to make each one his wife.
The reality did not support his female fan count, he claimed to
unearth gold in the mud.
There are self-proclaimed businessmen, he became a
self-proclaimed stud.
He talked & talked of super human deeds that ceased to
You could see right through him, decoding his derived myth with
an iron fist.
He finally met his group of closed ones who were intellectual by
his comparison.
Brainstorming in their company he tried, but what they heard was
his self-obsession.
This BOY parted ways taking along one queen from the group,
He could not believe his luck, unfortunately she was just a
dum-dum with a hula hoop.
She dragged him down to the places where even Mr. Illogical
would fear.
He started greying his hair, because he could not bear her ICY
He left her behind with good reason & moved onto a new
This BOY had finally learnt finally how to channel his superhero
Now a days he is seen looking from tall buildings while swimming
through waters.
This BOY now does Chop-Chop professionally & past evils has
finally lead to watchful ears.
So was he a faker or was he forced to become one...?
While this mystery plays out, this story is finally done….
Composed, directed
and written by:
Wedmer Picardo
About the author:
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